Rev. Bill Marchiony is a co-founder and Spiritual Director of New Thought Philadelphia. He has been a practitioner of Practical Healing Prayer since 2002. He received ministerial credentials in 2011 from the Emerson Theological Institute, was Ordained in 2019, and earned a Doctor of Divinity degree in 2020.
Rev. Bill offers Spiritual Coaching and Counseling, Practical Prayer, Classes, and Spiritual Adventure workshops.
Rev. Bill is the author of "Practical Prayer for Real Results", available in Kindle and paperback versions at and other booksellers. It's a wonderful primer on the steps of Practical Prayer, with 40 complete prayers on a variety of topics that you can customize for your own immediate use. He also hosts the weekly Practical Prayer podcast.
Rev. Bill is the creator of "God Calls", a series of short inspirational phone calls that interrupt your daily routine with a reminder of the Love that you are. Details are on the web at He is a presenter on the Insight Timer app and YouTube, sharing Practical Prayer and spiritual insight with a global audience.
As a Teen Group advisor and leader from 2005 - 2010, he led the ICSL Northeast Regional Teen program as it grew to include 150 participants in eighteen Centers reaching from Albany to Washington DC.
He is the Adminisitrator of the Affiliated New Thought Network (ANTN) and a member of the Executive Board of the International New Thought Alliance (INTA).
He had enjoyed many successful careers in both creative and technology, including software, marketing, copywriting, and printing, In the way-distant past Bill was a comedy writer, producer, and zany morning radio personality.
phone: (610) 574-2003 [mobile]
meet: schedule a free, no-obligation 15 minute consultation with Rev. Bill.
Spiritual Counseling and Healing Prayer
Rev. Bill is available by appointment for Spiritual Counseling and Healing Prayer. Sessions usually last about an hour, and can be held in person, by phone or web. The objective in every session is to identify and move beyond any apparent blocks and open the way for a new and more desirable experience of Life.
Wedding Ceremonies
Rev. Bill Marchiony loves to do weddings! He promises you a unique ceremony that is joyfully presented, which both you and your guests will remember for years to come. He understands the importance of an elegant, contemporary, spiritual (rather than religious) ceremony. The focus is on you having a stress-free wedding.
A good ceremony is not necessarily a long ceremony. For your guests to really appreciate your wedding ceremony it is important that the words used reflect your commitment to one another and your view of marriage. It must be authentic to your relationship.
To facilitate creating your perfect wedding ceremony, you and your Fiance’ will receive a Complete Wedding Kit. It contains various choices for the different parts of your ceremony. At the first meeting you and Rev. Bill will discuss additional ideas to include your family or children in your ceremony. Furthermore the Wedding Time Capsule, Wine Cup, Sand Ceremony, Hands Passage, etc. are some additional options you can incorporate to make your day most memorable.
Using your choices, together you and Rev. Bill will create a customized ceremony that truly resonates with what is in your heart. When it is presented in a heartfelt manner, your guests will find it to be unique and wonderful.
Rev. Bill offers highly personalized services to couples, with two meetings - in person and/or phone or web to be sure every detail of your ceremony is just as you’d like. Note that if you do not require this level of personalized services Rev. Bill also gladly performs simple civil ceremonies.
Memorial Ceremonies
Rev. Bill is honored to officiate Memorial Services, sometimes called Celebration Of Life services. These provide an opportunity for family and friends to honor and remember their loved ones. It is where the community can come together to stand by those who grieve and show support and sympathy.
It is a time to affirm our faith as we reflect on life's transitions and the mystery of death.
To be part of such a sacred service is humbling and Rev. Bill does his very best to represent your loved ones wishes and to fulfill your requests as how to best pay tribute and celebrate the memory of his/her spirit. The goal is to provide a service that compassionately supports and consoles the family and friends of the loved one as they grieve, pay tribute to, fondly remember, laugh and cry together.
The ceremony will address the loss and grief you feel. The group will join in prayer and reflection, and remember your loved one with eulogies and personal stories.
Rev. Bill provides spiritual as well as non-religious memorial services, and will work closely with you to write the ceremony you desire for your loved one.
Renewals, Baby Blessings & Pet Blessings
Please schedule a free, no-obligation 15 minute consultation with Rev. Bill.
Hear Rev. Bill on Insight Timer
God’s Gift, Already Given, is Ours to Accept.
-Ernest Holmes
Make a donation
The Practical Prayer podcast
New episodes every Wednesday. Listen now...
We record every Monday at 1pm and livestream the session. Join the "live studio audience" on Facebook or YouTube for a peek behind the scenes.
Spiritual Counseling & Practical Prayer sessions with Rev. Bill
Our beliefs create our experience of life. When we are dissatisfied with any aspect of life - be it...
- health and vitality
- prosperity and enough-ness
- love and connection
- the way we share our gifts with the world
- or something else...
there is very likely a belief at work that is hidden below our conscious awareness.
Rev. Bill works with you one-on-one to discover those hidden beliefs and replace them with ones that will tend to bring more of the Good you seek into your life.
Each session includes a personal Practical Prayer to activate the Truth of who you are as individualized expressions of Spirit. Through practice of this scientific form of prayer, we enter an energetic vibration that anchors our awareness in our essential perfection and oneness with the I Am Presence of the Self, and invite a new experience of Life.
Three, six, and twelve-session packages include free follow-up via email or text between sessions. Unused sessions expire after 18 months.
All session will be scheduled at a mutually agreeable time, via Zoom, phone or in-person.