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Your new life begins with a new thought.


New Thought Philadelphia is a loving Community of Spirit & service.

  • Spirit is our awareness of our connection to the Infinite - the creative Power that has created everything, and continues to create.
  • Service is the way that we channel that Power to bring more good into the lives of those around us.
  • Self denotes our personal, individual capacity to embody that Power. We are each a balance of Spirit & service bringing Love into our lives.

Each individual in our group is on encouraged to share the passions, joys and insight that are part of his or her path with others. We do this through our public Celebrations and programs, educational activities like classes & workshops, and through volunteer activities that support New Thought Philadelphia and others in the larger community around us.

It's also fun, with small groups that meet for social, recreational and adventure activities. Want a spiritual group for hiking, or scuba diving, or knitting, or dinner? Start one - we'll help!

springsongsSaturday April 5
7pm (doors open 6:30)
The Fallser Club
3721 Midvale Ave
East Falls Phila 19129

Join us to celebrate the shift in seasons, let in the Light and welcome the warmth! The spiritual adventurers who meet monthly at Fallser have teamed up with the Philadelphia Songwriters Project to bring three powerful performers to the Fallser stage.

At the door $25 - $20 in advance
Livestream $15  - $10 in advance

Click for tickets...

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Life Visioning

Life Visioning was created by Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith, founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles. The process is described in his book "Life Visioning" and several other publications that area available in our online store. New Thought Philadelphia also offers a six-week class on the Life Visioning process.

Power of Eight

Intention Group Mondays at 6:30pm
All are welcome

PowerOf8The “Power of 8” intention-setting group is based on the program created by Lynne McTaggart. It meets weekly for a half-hour to help bring new experience into the lives of the group members. Your host is Sandy Freid.

Our Statement on Moving Beyond White Supremacy

Members of our Community began weekly gatherings in June 2020 to gain insight on how we can support our nation in ending the racial divide that has plagued us. The process began with a series of Life Visioning exercises, to invite Spirit to guide us in our activities.

The group continued with a set of action steps to bring our new intentions to life. The first is this Statement on moving beyond the consciousness of White Supremacy.

White Supremacy is Over (PDF)

You Are As Happy as You Choose to Be.

-Abraham Lincoln

Affirmations by Jane Rourke


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The Practical Prayer podcast

Practical Prayer podcast

New episodes every Wednesday. Listen now...

We record every Monday at 1pm and livestream the session. Join the "live studio audience" on Facebook or YouTube for a peek behind the scenes.

Sunday Celebration

Our weekly Celebration is always available online. Watch on YouTube Live, or join in the conversation on Zoom.

Make a donation

Our ongoing activities are supported by tax-deductible contributions from people like you. Thank you for your expression of Love.

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