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  • Inviting Words
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2021 | Duration: 16:22 2021-05-09

    There is a notion in New Thought that our experience of life is created by our beliefs. Rev. Bill Marchiony digs into the deeper Truth - which is more subtle and more powerful - that we invite our new experience, rather than create it.

  • Choose Love
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2021 | Duration: 18:55 2021-05-09

    We are always at choice. Even when our options seem completely unacceptable, there is always a choice. Rev. Bill Marchiony offers insight on inviting Divine guidance to support us in making the best choices, no matter the circumstances.

  • Good Grief
    Speaker: Rev. Rhetta Morgan | Series: 2021 | Duration: 18:21 2021-04-18

    It is important to grieve what we have lost, what we are in the midst of losing during this time of great change. Guest speaker Rev. Rhetta Morgan explores the ways that, if we do so anchored in joy, grief is transformed into strength, resilience and compassion.

  • When I Pray
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2021 | Duration: 11:44 2021-04-11

    There is a difference between saying you'll pray for something (or someone) and taking the time, creating the space, and actually doing the prayer. With inspiration from the 2004 song by musical guest Daniel Nahmod, Rev. Bill Marchiony anchors us in the deep spiritual richness of Practical Prayer.

  • Rising from the Ashes
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2021 | Duration: 16:51 2021-04-04

    Resurrection, or the mythical Phoenix rising from the ashes is a powerful story of transformation. Rev. Bill Marchiony explores how we each repeat that process in our own lives, and the discomfort involved as our previous experience figuratively bursts into flames.

  • The Pivot
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2021 | Duration: 18:07 2021-03-28

    Our New Thought teaching is all about creating the life of our dreams. Rev. Bill Marchiony digs into the way we engage with our current experience of life and use the unsatisfactory parts - the things we don't like - to help us turn to what we'd like instead.

  • Planting Seeds of Good
    Speaker: Rev. Jean Sweet | Series: 2021 | Duration: 23:01 2021-03-21

    The principles of organic farming have a lot in common with the metaphysical principles of growing your dreams. Guest speaker Rev. Jean Sweet Zooms in from Helena, MT to weave them together. As the first (and so far only) Farmer Minister in the Affiliated New Thought Network, she is insistent that we grow good for all living things.

  • COVID Anniversary
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2021 | Duration: 17:51 2021-03-14

    This weekend marks one year since Philly shut down for the pandemic. There have been a lot of changes that we've dealt with, individually and together. Rev. Bill Marchiony leads us on an exploration of the changes, the grief and the gratitudes.

  • Mastery
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2021 | Duration: 17:03 2021-03-07

    There are many models that people in the education field use to describe how we ascend from ignorance through expertise. They're useful as we go from not knowing what we don't know to confidence in our understanding. Rev. Bill Marchiony touches on how those ideas work as we step into a place of mastery in our spiritual lives.

  • Ten Percent Better
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2021 | Duration: 19:58 2021-02-21

    The guidance of our New Thought teaching and the power of Practical Prayer allow us to create new experiences in our life. Sometimes we can be distracted by the notion that whatever Good we're envisioning - for a job, a relationship, our physical health, etc. - could be even better. Rev. Bill Marchiony shares some simple techniques that help us get out of the way of a truly spectacular transformation.

  • It's All Love
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2021 | Duration: 15:07 2021-02-14

    Valentine's Day is a wonderful opportunity to turn our attention to Love. Rev. Bill Marchiony invites us to look beyond the romantic, fluffy love of candy hearts and overpriced flowers, to the Divine Love that's expressing itself as everything in creation. It's Bring-a-Friend Sunday, so you can share the Love, too.

  • Innovate, Evaluate, Iterate
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2021 | Duration: 16:30 2021-02-07

    We like to say that your new life begins with a new thought. When that new experience comes into our life, it might not be exactly what we had in mind. Rev. Bill Marchiony shares a technique that lets us continue to re-examine and refine the new experience we're inviting, making it better and better.

  • The Law of Divine Adjustment
    Speaker: Dr. Janine Burns | Series: 2021 | Duration: 18:33 2021-01-24

    The Law of Divine adjustment is our Spiritual reset button, according to guest speaker Dr. Janine H. Burns. When all around us seems chaotic; when things are crazy and confusing we can press our spiritual reset button and consciously bring the amazing energy and power of Spirit to our circumstance, bringing us - and all - back into Divine Order, harmony and wholeness.

  • The Season for Non-violence
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2021 | Duration: 17:04 2021-01-17

    The 64 days between the memorial anniversaries of Mahatma Gandhi Martin Luther King, Jr. begin on Jan 30. The Season serves as an invitation for us to transform and empower our lives and our communities. Rev. Bill Marchiony explores the ways that we can activate and embody this powerful idea of moving beyond force to peacefully claim our Power.

  • Gospels of Ernest
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2021 | Duration: 18:47 2021-01-10

    The Science of Mind textbook is the foundational work by Ernest Holmes. In the first four chapters he clearly describes the philosophy: The Thing Itself, The Way It Works, What It Does, and How to Use It. Rev. Bill Marchiony takes us through them, with suggestions about the ways we can use them to bring more good "Stuff" into our lives.

  • Practice, Practice, Practice
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2021 | Duration: 22:07 2021-01-03

    Comedian Jack Benny joked about the man carrying a violin case asking a passerby how he could get to Carnegie Hall. The answer was "Practice!". Rev. Bill Marchiony shares insights on how this applies to our spiritual development (hopefully with some newer jokes).

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