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  • Location, Location, Location!
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 15:19 2023-11-12

    In the real estate business, the importance of "Location!" supersedes almost everything. Rev. Bill points out that the same thing is true in our own lives, with "location" creating our unique perspectives, challenges, and opportunities.

  • Goldilocks
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 13:28 2023-11-05

    It’s possible that the precocious child in the fairy tale was a demanding brat - and criminal - OR was a powerful metaphysician. Rev. Bill Marchiony explores how one or both of these could be true.

  • Healing Celebration
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 21:04 2023-10-29

    On months with a fifth Sunday, we gather for a special Healing Celebration. Rev. Bill Marchiony and the Practitioner Core lead us in a deep and profound process through which we all gain greater insight into our connection with Spirit. It includes a powerful interactive Healing Prayer for everyone present.

    Live, original music by Jami Lula

  • The Banquet of Life
    Speaker: Rev. Karen Judd | Series: 2023 | Duration: 18:28 2023-10-22

    Autumn is the time to harvest those seeds that have grown into our authentic self, to be offered for the soul nourishment of all living beings. Sounds great, BUT... Guest speaker Karen Judd talks about harvesting and offering our Light at the Banquet of Life, and brings some helpful dishes of wisdom to help mitigate those buts.

  • Emergence
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 22:04 2023-10-15

    The theme for the annual Affiliated New Thought Network Retreat was "Emergence". Rev. Bill Marchiony is back from a week at Unity Village to share what is emerging for New Thought, for him, and for us.

  • Act As If
    Speaker: Breen Rourke, RScP | Series: 2023 | Duration: 13:25 2023-10-08

    Emmet Fox said, "Act out the part that you wish to demonstrate, and you will be expressing true faith". Breen Rourke, RScP explores what this means to him in his dual roles as an Actor and a Religious Science Practitioner.

  • Sacred Ground
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 13:10 2023-10-01

    Rev. Bill is at Unity Village preparing for the annual ANTN Retreat. It's the largest New Thought property in North America, and is home to the Silent Unity prayer vigil which has been going continuously since 1890. Standing on that sacred ground is a reminder that we are ALWAYS on sacred ground, and invited to bring our best self to it.

  • How's Your Cup Runneth-ing?
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 23:10 2023-09-24

    There is a saying that you can't pour from an empty cup. It's used in the self-help world, and for care providers, as a reminder that we can only give so much without being filled. Rev. Bill Marchiony explores how we can partner with Spirit so that our æcup runneth over".

  • Spiritual Vision
    Speaker: Rev. Sonja Mathis | Series: 2023 | Duration: 19:43 2023-09-17

    In a recent eye exam, guest speaker Rev. Sonja Mathis was told by the optician that her correction had dropped by nearly 50% - a HUGE improvement. She discusses knowing that the conversation was about eye vision, but was about her spiritual vision, too: Can I see and accept upcoming changes??

  • Descriptive Words
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 20:55 2023-09-10

    The rules of grammar say that Adjectives describe things (nouns) and Adverbs describe everything else. Rev. Bill Marchiony explores the effect this has on the way we are inviting the Infinite to create an experience that is sweetly, joyously, wonderfully, delightful.

  • Creating Us
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 20:13 2023-09-03

    The core concept of the New Thought philosophy is that there is One Creative Power that creates everything, including us, and that we're using it. Rev. Bill Marchiony explores how we're using that Creative Power, and what we're creating individually and together.

  • Best Ideas in the World
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 21:52 2023-08-27

    Rev. Bill Marchiony is back from a week at the Parliament of World Religions in Chicago, and shares stories and insight gleaned from many faith traditions about how we can work together to make a world that works for everyone.

  • Divine Substance
    Speaker: Breen Rourke, RScP | Series: 2023 | Duration: 21:37 2023-08-20

    Some people have tried to dismiss the New Thought teaching as a "get rich quick" scheme. Breen Rourke, RScP shares the nuance in the ways that we can, indeed, create an experience of prosperity in our lives, and how it's just one step on the spiritual path.

  • The Land of Plenty
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 21:02 2023-08-13

    We understand that the Universe in which we live is infinite - filled with limitless abundance. Sometimes, though, it doesn't feel that way. Rev. Bill Marchiony explores the paradox of how we experience limitation and lack, and how to get away from it.

  • Did I Ask for This?
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 18:58 2023-08-06

    It'd be nice if we always got the experience of life that we want, but we actually get what we believe we deserve.

    Rev. Bill Marchiony explores the ways that things we DON'T want can actually help to create the experience that we DO want.

  • What's New
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 19:12 2023-07-23

    Rev. Bill Marchiony is back from a week at the 108th Congress of the International New Thought Alliance. He shares the insights, ideas, and inspirations gathered from New Thought leaders from all over the world.

    Shad Groverland at INTA:

  • Conscious Community
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 19:46 2023-07-09

    The teachings of New Thought have been described as "A Philosophy, A Faith, A Way of Life". Learning about it can transform our lives, but Rev. Bill Marchiony points out that digging in, engaging deeply and making it a way of life can bring newness to everything, and everyone.

  • Allergic to God
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 16:48 2023-07-02

    There is One Divine Power that creates everything. Rev. Bill Marchiony observes that some people are comfortable calling it “God”, while others have been traumatized in earlier life and can’t be comfortable with the word. What to do..?

  • Love Is Love
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 17:12 2023-06-25

    The beginning of summer and the conclusion of Pride month provide insight and wisdom about bringing more love into our lives. Rev. Bill Marchiony suggests ways to look beyond preconceptions to invite a new awareness of the Good that is merely a breath away.

  • Spiritual and Ethical Living
    Speaker: Rev. Dr. Brock Ford | Series: 2023 | Duration: 17:45 2023-06-18

    To live in the world ethically often requires spiritual work, accepting and embracing the truth of our oneness, and humanity. Guest speaker Rev. Dr. Brock Ford brings a message of inclusion and the importance of openness to others, despite experiences we may or may not share.

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