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  • What's Love Got to Do With It
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 13:28 2023-06-11

    Sometimes we look at a situation, or experience, and it does NOT look or feel like Love unfolding. Rev. Bill Marchiony reminds us about the fundamental notion of the New Thought teaching, that there is only One, and the One is Love, along with some practical tips on making it feel like that's true.

  • Personal Best
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 14:22 2023-06-04

    There are times when our degree of success blends in with others, whether we're on a team or in a competition with others. Rev. Bill Marchiony explores the ways that we can achieve excellence regardless of what else is going on around us.

  • Self-Talk
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 24:11 2023-05-28

    The voices in our heads sometimes feed us a continuous stream of doubt, self-judgement, criticism, and fear. Rev. Bill Marchiony offers some ideas on how to quiet those voices, and even turn them to a helpful purpose.

  • Reinventing You
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 14:43 2023-05-21

    Newness is possible in every moment, in every breath, and in every way. Rev. Bill Marchiony invites us to understand our desired destination - and our starting point - when we invite in the new.

  • Eat Berries & Frolic
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 12:58 2023-05-14

    It is possible that our life's purpose is to work to change the world. Or that we are here to enjoy ourselves in our work, and in every aspect of our lives. Rev. Bill Marchiony urges us to celebrate Mother's Day by nurturing something new and joyous.

  • Highest Good
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 17:49 2023-05-07

    "We each serve as an Instrument to invite a world of Harmony, honesty, and highest Good for all". This was the global Intention set recently by New Thought Philly's Power of Eight Circle. Rev. Bill digs into what it means, and how it works.

  • Healing Celebration
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 23:01 2023-04-30

    On months with a fifth Sunday, we gather for a special Healing Celebration. Rev. Bill Marchiony, Carolyn Nixon RScP and Jesus Baez RScP lead us in a deep and profound process through which we all gain greater insight into our connection with Spirit. It includes a powerful interactive Healing Prayer for everyone present. Live, original music by Bernard Sarkissian.

  • Hugs Can Heal
    Speaker: Rev. Edie Weinstein | Series: 2023 | Duration: 16:44 2023-04-23

    Hugging can be part of a sacred healing journey. Guest speaker Rev. Edie Weinstein is a consummate hugger who recounts hugging her way across America after a heart attack turned her perspective and life around in amazing ways.

  • Up Until Now
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 15:39 2023-04-16

    Life can change in an instant, even after following a highly predictable path for many years. Rev. Bill Marchiony talks about The Pivot, and how we can turn away from what's been to open to what's new.

  • Still I Rise
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 21:59 2023-04-09

    The iconic poem by Maya Angelou is about oppression, and overcoming it. On this Easter Sunday, Rev. Bill Marchiony draws parallels with the persecution and resurrection in the story of Jesus and the ways we all can transcend forces of limitation to bring newness into our lives.

  • Sar-Chasm
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 18:48 2023-04-02

    As a form of humor, sarcasm can be pointed, insightful and blistering funny. Rev Bill Marchiony explores how it can also create a “truth gap” between what we say and what we mean.

  • 1, 2, 3 Green Light!
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 13:36 2023-03-26

    Spring has sprung, and is bringing with it the promise of warmth, sunshine, blossoms, and sweet fragrances. Rev. Bill Marchiony urges us to use this time of transformation to invites something delightful into our lives.

  • You Are More Than This
    Speaker: Dr. Michele Whittington | Series: 2023 | Duration: 24:33 2023-03-19

    Who do you think you are? Are you awake to your true spiritual nature or do you identify solely with your mind, body, emotions and accomplishments or failures? Guest speaker Dr. Michele Whittington explores what we are NOT, so we can find what we are.

  • Paying Attention
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 13:54 2023-03-12

    We live in an "attention economy", with so many screens, and signs, and messages all freely available and competing for our attention. Rev. Bill Marchiony points out that we pay for all of it with our attention, and suggests that we can choose where and how we want to invest.

  • Onward and Upward
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 14:37 2023-03-05

    We experience life as a spiral, moving through experiences, moving past them and then often coming back to a similar situation or circumstance again. Rev. Bill Marchiony explores the reasons for this, and the ways we can make it into an ever-improving upward spiral.

  • Great Expectations
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 15:13 2023-02-26

    The Infinite creative power in the Universe can create anything. We're using it to create our experience of life, and that's great! Rev. Bill Marchiony investigates its tendency to create - not what we want - but what we expect.

  • The Frog and the Quarterback
    Speaker: Rev. Dr. Brock Ford | Series: 2023 | Duration: 16:33 2023-02-19

    Guest speaker Rev. Brock Ford shares an important lesson about utilizing powerful spiritual tools, and the ability to manifest our desires even in the face of negativity and chatter from others.

  • Prayer Works
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 14:42 2023-02-12

    "It works if you work it!" were the signature words from Rev. Dr. Johnnie Coleman, a titan of the New Thought teaching. Rev. Bill Marchiony digs into the ways our prayers can work, and the ways we have to work it.

  • Cross-Quarter Days
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 13:58 2023-02-05

    There are events in our lives that show up without explanation, seemingly at random. One example is Candlemas, which takes place on February 2. Rev. Bill Marchiony digs into the randomness to find the meaning behind it, and invites us to look for hidden meaning in our own lives.

  • Healing Celebration
    Speaker: Rev. Bill Marchiony | Series: 2023 | Duration: 22:07 2023-01-29

    On months with a fifth Sunday, we gather for a special Healing Celebration. Rev. Bill Marchiony and the Practitioner Core lead us in a deep and profound process through which we all gain greater insight into our connection with Spirit. It includes a powerful interactive Healing Prayer for everyone present. Bring your own candle.

    Live, original music by Jami Lula.

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