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Age Requirements for Teens

Our guidelines are somewhat flexible.

In a nutshell, spiritual groups and Centers that run Teen and Tween programs let kids join the Teen group when they'll be 13 in time for the next major regional event, six months before the event so they have lead-up time with their home group. In practice, we do Initiations as soon as we get back from a regional event for everyone who will be 13 for the next one.

The other guideline, that applies to groups that don't have a Tween program  (and I think is the appropriate one anyhow) is when they're ready. It doesn't have much to do with their maturity or self-esteem level - it's more about their growth. Children have always been children. Teens remember "the good old days" when they were just kids, but they know they aren't any more. This can happen over a range of ages. For girls, it often coincides with menstruation. For boys it's less clear-cut, but for all of them, when they think that the kids program is "for babies" they're ready for the Teen group. Even if the issues and maturity of 17 and 18 year olds are way beyond them.

Whatever the metric for attendance, getting buy-in from the youngster is the key. When they commit to full participation, we can guide them into a comfortable and positive experience.

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Affirmations by Jane Rourke

The Practical Prayer podcast

Practical Prayer podcast

New episodes every Wednesday. Listen now...

We record every Monday at 1pm and livestream the session. Join the "live studio audience" on Facebook or YouTube for a peek behind the scenes.

Spiritual Counseling & Practical Prayer sessions with Rev. Bill

Our beliefs create our experience of life. When we are dissatisfied with any aspect of life - be it...

  • health and vitality
  • prosperity and enough-ness
  • love and connection
  • the way we share our gifts with the world
  • or something else...

there is very likely a belief at work that is hidden below our conscious awareness.

Rev. Bill works with you one-on-one to discover those hidden beliefs and replace them with ones that will tend to bring more of the Good you seek into your life.

Each session includes a personal Practical Prayer to activate the Truth of who you are as individualized expressions of Spirit. Through practice of this scientific form of prayer, we enter an energetic vibration that anchors our awareness in our essential perfection and oneness with the I Am Presence of the Self, and invite a new experience of Life.

Three, six, and twelve-session packages include free follow-up via email or text between sessions. Unused sessions expire after 18 months.

 All session will be scheduled at a mutually agreeable time, via Zoom, phone or in-person.